Amelio Clinic

For a better skin.
Today & tomorrow.

Group 3363

For a better skin.
Today & tomorrow.


Dermatologic care for healthy skin, hair & nails


Aesthetic care for
your skin beauty


Laser treatments for
your flawless skin

Portraits 6097©Laetizia Bazzoni
Dermatocentre Brussels proudly introduces a new practice.

Welcome to Amelio Clinic

With our upgraded facilities and the use of cutting-edge technologies, we are committed to providing our patients with the best possible care and treatments to ameliorate their skin

Concerns & Solutions

Your concern needs our solution

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Your concerns

Your concern is our concern. We take a closer look and propose a solutions to give you back your ease of mind.

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Our solutions

Our solutions can help you in a variety of ways. From helping you with your concerns to investing in your skin on a daily basis.

Your concerns

Dermatology has two main areas of focus: medical and aesthetic concerns

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Medical concerns

Medical dermatology aims to diagnose and treat medical conditions that may affect a patient's health and well-being,

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Aesthetic concerns

Aesthetic dermatology primarily focuses on ameliorating one's physical appearance for cosmetic purposes.

Our solutions

Find the best match for your concern

surgical removal of skin tag
Medical solutions

Treatments of medical skin conditions using a variety of methods, including medication, surgery, injections and lasers.

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Aesthetic solutions

Diverse procedures to help patients achieve their cosmetic goals, including injections, skin care and chemical peels.

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Laser solutions

A range of lasers and devices based on cutting edge technologies to treat medical and aesthetic skin conditions.

Our expertises

About us

We consider every patient as unique, with specific concerns and expectations.

We believe in the importance of building a trusting relationship where communication is key and patients make informed choices regarding their treatments.

We see passion as the difference between doing and excelling.

Ready to ameliorate your skin?

Book an appointment in Amelio Clinic today.

Amelio clinic - Face logo

Welcome to Amelio Clinic

DermatoCentre Brussels proudly introduces the new practice. From now on we go under the name of Amelio Clinic.

We stay in our current location with our beloved team.