Sun Damaged Skin & actinic keratosis

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The damage in the skin caused by UV rays accumulates and augments inthe years after exposure. UV damage is therefore the result of theaccumulation over the years of UV exposure. The older we get, the more spotsappear on the most sun-exposed parts of the body, like the face, décolleté andthe back of the hands. Lighter skin types are […]

Skin Cancers

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Basal cell or basocellular carcinoma (BCC)A basocellular carcinoma resembles a shiny pimple that grows slowly, or a small,painless wound that does not heal, sometimes surrounded by a fold of fat. It canresemble a small, whitish zone, similar to a spontaneous scar, which growsgradually. The BCC is the most frequent, non malignant, skin cancer that usuallydevelops on […]

Wide pores, skin textures &-tone

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Wide pores Wide pores are a texture abnormality of the skin and they are the consequence of an accumulation of sebum in oily or acne prone skin. Also sun damaged skin has an irregular texture with wide pores. An ideal complexion is blemish and blackhead free with even pores. Skin texture A skin with a […]

Skin Ageing

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Various factors influence skin ageing in the face. Our genetics determine our natural and chronological ageing. Our genes we cannot influence but other factors we can. Various environmental factors like sun exposure increases and accelerates the ageing process, causing what is known as “photoaging”. Other environmental factors, such as smoking, diet and stress, also exacerbate the signs of ageing. As we […]


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There are two types of facial wrinkles: dynamic and static. Dynamic wrinklesExpression lines are present at all ages and typically seen with facial expression such as smiling, frowning or raising eyebrows. They are the origin of the so called dynamic wrinkles, caused by the temporary contraction of facial muscles, causing the overlying skin to crease. In certain cases, […]

Facial contour & volume loss

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Loss of facial contours and volumes is an important factor of ageing facial skin.  When assessing the signs of facial ageing, the face is divided in three parts: the upper, mid and lower face The midface is the area first affected with signs of aging that are related to bone loss, decrease in subcutaneous fat volume and downwards movement […]


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The most important features of lips are beauty, harmony and symmetry. Signs of ageing of lips are loss of volume and definition, sagging of mouth corners and development of vertical lip lines. Lip rejuvenation involves restoring lost volume associated with ageing and recreate a defined lip that will prevent lipstick from running.Lip rejuvenation is usually […]

Eye Contour


One of the first areas to show ageing is the peri-ocular area and ageing in the eye area can give you a tired and sad aura.Rejuvenation of the peri-ocular area involves different aspects: Reduction of periocular dynamic wrinkles, like frown lines and crow’s feet lines Reduction of tear trough and under eye bags Reduction of under […]

Skin Laxity

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Skin ageing of facial skin involves ageing of multiple skin layers: the epidermisshows irregularities, the dermis become thinner and less elastic. The two important components in how the skin changes over time are collagen and elastin. Collagen and elastin both contribute to the skin’s strength and elasticity. Aging and environmental factors (sun damage) make it harder for […]


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Neck laxity is the result of loss of skin thickness and elasticity with age and is accentuated by the downward pull of the superficial neck muscles, leading to sagging and horizontal wrinkles. Excess of submental fat contributes to loss in definition of jawline, especially in profile, and in sagging skin. The neck is a difficult area to treat, as […]